Medical Missions in Papua New Guinea…Who Will Pick Up The Baton?

by | Jan 24, 2015

IMG_5572Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, Papua New Guinea: Missionary Medicine is an amazing way to be used by God!  What a blessing to touch people when they are hurting; to assist the Great Physician in bringing healing to broken, aching bodies.  Often times, during a person’s physical suffering, they are open to the peace and hope of the gospel like no other time in their lives.

Doctor answers call for service in Papua New Guinea.

The Nazarene medical work in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has been ongoing since 1967. Over all of these years, hundreds of thousands of people have been helped.  While receiving physical help and healing they have also been shown the love of Christ and for many, they’ve allowed God to make a complete transformation in their lives as they learn to love and follow Him!

Andy and Judy BennettNazarene Hospital is located deep in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea.  In 2013, there were over 52,000 patients seen in the outpatient department, more than 5,500 patients were admitted to the hospital wards and nearly 1,600 babies were born! The total number of surgical procedures exceeded 1,500, including 197 C-sections.

IMG_9542In addition to our regular outpatient services we have clinics for HIV, Tuberculosis, STDs, Leprosy, expectant mothers, infant and children immunizations and cervical cancer screening.

New look of community based healthcare in PNG

The effect of Nazarene Health Ministries (NHM) extends way beyond Kudjip Nazarene Mission Station, which serves as home to over 1,000 residents, the hospital and Nazarene College of Nursing.  NHM additionally includes six remote Nazarene clinics as well as Community Based Health Care programs, which focus holistically on training in long-term preventative healthcare.

New surgical theatre coming to Nazarene Hospital

Naz Hospital

At Nazarene Hospital we currently have 6 full-time missionary doctors who themselves have now served a total of 88 years in PNG, not counting all of those who have gone before them and prepared the way!  Day in and day out,  year after year, these team members have committed all that they are, tirelessly, for His service.

In addition to these six, we have been blessed with many others who come, volunteering for shorter periods at a time, dedicating themselves no less to this incredible work!  Some come for a month or two, others for a year … or two!  Without their added efforts we would not be able to meet the needs before us every morning.  It is amazing to see how God, in His creativeness, meets the needs through so many different and innovative avenues.

Of our six long-term doctors, three are approaching retirement age in the near future.  In our humanness, we are unable to see where the additional doctors needed to carry on the work will come from.

meierThe face of missions constantly changes.  On the Asia-Pacific Region, ongoing aggressive expansion of the mission work has included innovative approaches with more and more of our missionaries coming to the mission field in ways other than just the traditional contracts of years past.  Many partner with the ongoing foundation and infrastructure provided through the World Evangelism Fund (WEF), while raising additional support through varied channels and always … God is meeting the needs!  There are many different ways a person sensing a call to the mission field, in partnership with the Church of the Nazarene, may get to the field.

There is no doubt in our minds that this ministry belongs to the Lord!  Pray with us for committed followers of the Most High God to answer His call on their lives to serve at all levels.

More than medical miracles at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital

Perhaps your part is to support missionaries as they answer the call to, “Go and make disciples!”  Or perhaps, the Lord is speaking directly to your heart to, “Go [overseas] and make disciples!”  If God has gifted you with medical skills and He is speaking to you about overseas medical work in a mission setting, don’t delay!  And fear not (Isaiah 43),  if God wants you there, He knows all your needs and is quite capable of tailoring the perfect fit for you!

—- Submission:  Dr. Susan Myers

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Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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