Australia – New Zealand Field

Officially Established in Taiwan in 1956, Hong Kong in 1974, and recently in Mongolia in 2017.

Population: 34 Million
Field Coordinator: Rev. Roland Hearn
Institution: Nazarene Theological College (NTC)
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The Church of the Nazarene came to Australia through the endeavor of a young serviceman. His first convert was a young Australian serviceman, Albert Berg. He was to become the Superintendent of the Nazarene work in Australia and under his leadership, churches were planted in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Mackay, Townsville, Adelaide, and Perth.

Since 1976, the church work has been organized into 3 districts with many churches all over Australia. The Church has been established among the Greeks, Armenians, Asians, and Samoans. All of our local congregations reflect the multi-cultural heritage of the Australian people.

Great things are happening in the Australia / New Zealand Field, however, the task before us is greater than human resources alone can accomplish. We desperately need the work and power of the Holy Spirit to see God’s Kingdom realized. We truly appreciate your partnership and prayer!

  • The most recent census shows that Australians come from over 200 countries, utilize more than 300 languages, are comprised of more than 100 different religious groups and work in more than 1,000 different occupations.
  • The ANZ Field spans 7,885,930 square kilometers, requires an 8.5 hour non-stop flight to cross.
  • Church of the Nazarene is sparsely represented with 53 organized churches and 6 church plants concentrated in 6 cities: Auckland, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane, and Perth. These cities comprise approximately 14 million people.
  • Joshua Project identifies 205 people groups within the field, (143 in AU, 62 in NZ).
  • Approximately 30% of our congregations are multi-ethnic churches.
  • The ANZ Field is largely postmodern philosophically and pluralistic in outlook. New Zealand has been described as the most secular nation in the world with the highest teen suicide rate globally.
  • Recent growth in each district has come primarily from immigrant church planting.
  • The most unreached people in both Australia and New Zealand are those of European, white decent.