Nazarene Missions International (NMI) is the organization for mobilizing the local church in missions in the Church of the Nazarene and the denomination’s representative for missions on the district and in the local church.

NMI SUPPORTS MISSIONARIES through prayer and giving.
NMI EDUCATES INDIVIDUALS & CONGREGATIONS as to the work of Nazarene Missions.
NMI WELCOMES & HOSTS missionaries when they return for home assignment.
NMI helps EQUIP MISSIONARIES to return to their field of service.
NMI is the GLOBAL MISSIONS ADVOCATE in every local church.

Five Areas Of Impact

NMI focuses on five strategic areas where the local church can have maximum impact
on missions in the Church of the Nazarene.

1. Prayer

A Praying Church

Remember your missionaries throughout the year in prayer. Many are often facing troubled times in the places in which they serve. They seek to be peacemakers and agents of transformation. They need your support through intercession.

Click here to view all of our missionary profile pages.

NMI Central

NMI Central is a weekly email publication focusing on the work of the Church of the Nazarene. Every week prayer needs and praise reports for the global ministries of the Church of the Nazarene and our missionaries will be listed as well as ways you can get involved. It is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

Click here to subscribe in the language you would like to receive.

Country Prayer Focus

2. Alabaster Offering

The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings around the world. While we understand the church consists of the people of God and not a building, buildings erected for the purpose of ministry help provide a sense of permanence, functionally enhance ministry efforts, and convey an attitude that the Church of the Nazarene intends to “put down roots.”

Alabaster funds are to be used for new churches to:

  • Purchase a property or church building
  • Purchase or build a church parsonage
  • Build a church building
  • Conversion of a property into a church gathering space
  • Meet initial costs for renting a church meeting space for a limited period

Alabaster funds may also be used to:

  • Purchase or build missionary homes
  • Purchase or build regional or field missions facilities
  • Build or repurpose buildings on Bible college campuses

3. World Evangelism Fund

The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings around the world. While we understand the church consists of the people of God and not a building, buildings erected for the purpose of ministry help provide a sense of permanence, functionally enhance ministry efforts, and convey an attitude that the Church of the Nazarene intends to “put down roots.”

How does the World Evangelism Fund work?

    When you give, the money comes to the General Treasurer’s Office, where the funds are distributed to six world regions, missionaries, and ministries around the globe. The World Evangelism Fund not only provides ministries on the ground with the monies they need, but the money is used to ensure that legal, federal, and support needs are met so that ministries are as safe as possible and can be sustained for years to come.

    Here are a few examples of ministries that your World Evangelism giving makes possible through direct funding of ministry network support:

    Thank You

    None of the ministries that World Evangelism giving sustains would be possible without the gifts of people like you. You make it possible to take the gospel around the world. We thank you for your faithfulness to give and pray for Nazarene missions work everywhere.

    4. Enganging Children & Youth

    Engaging children and youth is one of the five areas of impacts in NMI. NMI continues to encourage churches to involve children and youth in all missions endeavors and to nurture them as they seek to respond to God’s call. NMI encourages every church, every district to be intentional and encourage and engage every child, every youth in the mission of God in your community and around the world.

    NMI continues to encourage churches to involve children and youth in all missions endeavors and to nurture them as they seek to respond to God’s call. We encourage collaboration with Nazarene Youth International and Nazarene Discipleship International to best engage all ages of the church. We believe nurturing and leadership development is best done in the local church and individualized to the needs of each person.

    5. Care & Connections

    Links is a network of personal connections between missionaries and Nazarene districts around the world.

    Participating missionaries are assigned to districts to help foster a personal connection between missionaries and the local church. A Links relationship fosters a sense of involvement with Nazarene Missions through regular correspondence from missionaries, updates from their field of service, and presentations by their Links missionary when they are on home assignment.

    How does our church make a Links a connection?

    Each district is assigned Links missionaries. Reach out to your District NMI President for details regarding the missionary family. Then… Make personal contact with the missionary at the email address provided. Learn as much as possible about the missionary and the field they serve on. Introduce the missionary to your church. Share about your church with the missionary. Pray for each other regularly. Work with your District NMI President to schedule a time when they can speak at your church when on home assignment.

    How can we best encourage Links missionaries?

    By getting to learn and know more about each other, your local church and Links family will feel more connected. Share life together, pray for each other, communicate as often as possible, give as you feel moved by the Holy Spirit, and schedule a time to connect over video on when they are on home assignment.

    How do I give a gift to Links missionaries

    Generosity is one of the greatest expressions of love. If an individual, church, or district would like to show love to a Links-assigned missionary through giving, please follow these guidelines.

    Give through the online missionary profile – Give your deputation offering by visiting the missionary’s profile. There is a place to note “[Missionary name]’s Links.”
    You can find your missionary’s profile by clicking here. Please do not give a missionary a cash or personal check offering.
    Need more information? The global NMI office is happy to help. Please contact: 913-577-0500 or

    Why can't I find our missionaries' addresses on the web?

    To ensure the safety and privacy of missionaries, missionary address and phone information will not be shared by NMI or Global Missions. If you need this information for a missionary, please contact either your district NMI president or your district Links coordinator who will work directly with each Links missionary.

    What is Missionary Care?

    Missionary care is an important strategy of Nazarene Missions International (NMI) to help provide for personal needs of missionaries. These expressions of care include:

    Links: a strategy for “linking” churches with missionaries through prayer and personal contact. Missionary Christmas Fund: provides a monetary Christmas gift for missionaries. Missionary Health Care: monies collected through the Memorial Roll and Distinguished Service Award used to subsidize missionary health care costs.

    The Memorial Roll: a way to honor deceased friends and loved ones. A certificate is issued in the name of the person memorialized and is often presented to a family member or displayed in the church. Distinguished Service Award: a certificate presented to an individual to recognize outstanding service to God and the church. The presenter (usually a church or district) contributes $125 to Missionary Health Care.

    NMI Updates

    Asia-Pacific Region participates in the Global Week of Prayer

    Asia-Pacific Region participates in the Global Week of Prayer

    The Asia-Pacific Region, led by the Regional Nazarene Missions International Council, joined in celebrating the Global Week of Prayer. Over 200 people participated from 25 February-2 March 2024 on praying for the daily praises and requests focusing on each of the...

    Asia-Pacific Region joins the Global Week of Prayer

    Asia-Pacific Region joins the Global Week of Prayer

    The Asia-Pacific Region joins in the celebration of the Global Week of Prayer. The celebration kicked off on 26 February 2023 with worship led by the regional NMI council, FSCs, and Dr. Mark Louw as speaker. More than 100 prayer warriors from all over the region...

    Fiji Women’s Ministry celebrates Global Week of Prayer

    Fiji Women’s Ministry celebrates Global Week of Prayer

    Suva, Fiji: The Fiji Women's Ministry held its first gathering to celebrate the Global Week of Prayer last 3 March 2023, with the theme “Better Together” based on the text Ephesians 4:1-5. The Church of the Nazarene's Global Week of Prayer was inspired by the...

    Young missionary shares journey of obedience to God’s call

    Young missionary shares journey of obedience to God’s call

    “When Jesus had gone a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John in a boat, preparing their nets. Without delay, he called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed him” (Mark 1:19-20). Sarah Palosa We...

    Asia-Pacific Celebrates Love for Missions

    Asia-Pacific Celebrates Love for Missions

    Nazarene Missions International (NMI) Asia-Pacific held its “Celebrate Love for Missions“ online event last February 12, 2022. Over 300 participants from more than 15 countries attended the event.  The event sought to inform the participants on the importance of...

    Unseen Series: Missions & Missionaries

    Unseen Series: Missions & Missionaries

    This 3-part video series about missions and missionaries. Surprisingly, despite the fact that the Church has been sending missionaries for centuries, and probably many of you know and support your own local missionaries, they are also misunderstood and their lives...

    Asia-Pacific welcomes new NMI Coordinator

    Asia-Pacific welcomes new NMI Coordinator

    Angeles City, Philippines: It’s with excitement that I inform you of the appointment of Mrs. Christine Mosuela as Regional Nazarene Missions International Coordinator. - Mark Louw, Asia-Pacific Regional Director. Christine has been a passionate advocate for missions...

    Celebrating with the Church in Myanmar!

    Celebrating with the Church in Myanmar!

    There is good news from the country of Myanmar: Jesus Christ is growing His Kingdom! People are receiving the truth and giving their lives to the Lord. Here are the stories of three new churches in that nation. Salvation Evangelical Church of the Nazarene On July 18,...

    The Golden Triangle

    The Golden Triangle

      The following is an excerpt from the book "The Golden Triangle", about the work of the Church of the Nazarene in Thailand. The rain had been falling for days. Forty-three years had passed since Thailand had experienced such a heavy rainy season, and this one...

    Regional NMI Council

    Regional NMI Coordinator:
    Mrs. Christine Trent Mosuela

    Council Members (Field NMI Coordinators)
    Margaret Aipanga