Officially Established in Papua New Guinea in 1955, Samoa in 1964, the Solomon Islands in 1992, Fiji in 1995, the Kingdom of Tonga in 2000 and Vanuatu in 2001.
Institutions: Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, Nazarene College of Nursing & South Pacific Nazarene Theological College
Coordinator: Rev. Kafoa Muaror
This last year has especially seen major and encouraging breakthroughs in significant areas across the Melanesia South Pacific Field as we believe that long term strategies and tenacious determination by very many of our solid church leaders have been resulting in significant Kingdom victories being won.
- The Melanesia South Pacific Fields are made up of 7 countries on both sides of the International Dateline, crossing 4 time zones
- The Church of the Nazarene has 16 organized Districts within those 7 island nations with approximately 1,000 Nazarene churches
- We have 4 Institutions of higher education with 2 Bible Colleges, a Nurse/Minister College and a Teacher/Minister College
- Currently, 46 Nazarene Missionaries serve within this area. Our missionaries are sent to serve here, from 6 different home countries.
- Approximately 60,000 patients were helped in the name of Jesus at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital this year, and countless more at each of our 6 Clinics.
- We dedicated the opening of a fully funded 4.6 million dollar Hydro Electric this year and we are currently looking at doubling the size of our Nurses College
- One hundred and thirteen families with children who have disabilities have found help and hope every week this year, through the Nazarene Mango Tree Center for the Disabled, in the Kingdom of Tonga.
- Victory for the Church of the Nazarene in the crisis of Melanesia Nazarene Teacher’s College in Papua New Guinea. A seven-year battle to take and keep control away from the Church of the Nazarene was finally won by the church!