Chinese Ministries
Officially Established in Taiwan in 1956, Hong Kong in 1974, and recently in Mongolia in 2017.
Population: 34 Million
- The Church of the Nazarene has been established for over sixty years.
- The churches of Southern Taiwan are generally healthy and growing. Most of these churches are among the indigenous Taiwanese people of the mountain areas.
- The district has benefited in recent years from interaction with the Korea District. Training, prayer partnerships and some Korean missionary pastors in Taiwan have been helpful.
Japan National District
Officially Established in 1905. As of 2018, there are 68 churches throughout Japan (from Hokkaido to Okinawa).
Population: 126 Million
Institutions: Japan Nazarene Theological Seminary

5th Annual Nazarene Church in Kyoto 1935
In 1905, Pastor Williams and Pastor Poole came to Japan from the US Holiness Christian Church. They belonged to the Tokyo Nobu Church and served in Tokyo for two years before moving to Kyoto in 1907, where they opened Sunday School.
In October 1908, the Holiness Christian Church, which was their sending organization in the United States of America, joined the Nazarene Church, and they were accepted by the Foreign Mission Bureau of the Nazarene Church, the first Japanese missionary mission to the Nazarene Church in Japan. This is the beginning of the Nazarene Church in Japan.
Korea National District
Visit the Korea Nazarene Mission Center (KNMC) website,, to view Korean missionary profiles and invite them to your church. We are looking forward to having more partnerships with Local churches and Global Missions. The funds received through this system will be sent to missionaries through the Global Ministry Center.
Institutions: Korea Nazarene University
About the Church of the Nazarene in Korea
We are proud to have been members of the Church of the Nazarene for over 60 years.
This is because the Church of the Nazarene is part of the evangelical pursuit of traditional Christian teaching, and it is a vital church that emphasizes the perfect sanctification, the core doctrine of the Bible, and is zealous for the missionary mission for the expansion of God’s kingdom on earth.
This is not only our own idea but also the pride of all members of the Church of the Nazarene.
The Church of the Nazarene is the Church of Jesus Christ of the Nazarene (Matthew 2:23). The Nazarenes who believe in and follow Jesus are people who resemble Jesus’ personality, imitate his teachings and lives, in pursuit of holiness and in the practice of neighboring love. The founder Dr. Bridge likened the Church of the Nazarene to the rising sun in the morning. The 21st century seeks to introduce a proud community of Nazarenes, believing that the morning church, the Church of the Nazarene, will be part of its protagonist.

History of the Church of the Nazarene in Korea
In Japan, missionaries who had already been sent from the Holiness Church of Christ had begun missionary work in 1905. In 1908, the denomination joined the Church of the Pentecostal Nazarene and automatically became missionaries to the Church of the Nazarene. Therefore, the history of the Church of the Nazarene in Japan can be seen as beginning with the Church of the Nazarene in the United States. In 1936, the Church of the Nazarene of Japan sent Rev. Jang Seong-ok, who was pastored in Osaka by the Chosun Department of the Eastern Conference, to establish the first Church of the Nazarene in Korea. Later, another Nazarene church was established in Yeongcheon, Seoul.
When the Third General Assembly of the Holiness Church was divided in 1935, the defectors held the founding general meeting of God’s Church in Pyongyang Ourich Church until November 25-29, 1936, adopting the “God’s Church Declaration” and Started off.
In Hongpa-dong, Seoul, there was an independent church centered on evangelist Kim Seung-il and his family. These three holiness groups joined the Church of the Nazarene in the South Korean church in April 1948 in Sajik-dong to preach the true holiness gospel. In view of the consensus, he declared the founding of the Korean Christian Church, and in October of that year, Dr. Nice, director of the Far East, headquarters of the International Headquarters, met with the Central Committee and visited Korean church leaders in Pildong. Mission was recognized in recognition of the Church of the Nazarene in Korea. The organization at that time was Pastor Nam-Soo Chung, Pastor Jae-Chul Seo, Treasurer Ahn Hyung-joo, Treasurer Pastor Kwak-Geun, and Clerk Seung-Hak.
After that, the Korean turmoil broke out and many churches were lost or destroyed. In the meantime, the family of Rev. Seung Hak Soo, the senior pastor of Yeongcheon Church, was angry with the bombing. Pastor Chung visited many churches in the United States and Canada, informed the tragedy of the Korean church, raised a lot of old products and missions, helped difficult workers and members, and contributed to rebuilding the ruined church.
On May 14, 1954, he sent Pastor Donald Owens as the first American missionary at the International Headquarters. He bought a building in Sajik-dong, Seoul, and used it as a denomination headquarters and missionary home. On the spot, 23 students opened the Nazarene Theological Seminary of Korea, he took office as the first president and trained them as the predecessors of today’s Nazarene University,
and the church was founded in May 1955 by 11 church representatives at Yeongcheon Church by gathering opening of the historic inaugural meeting was in South Korea launched a formal denomination invited directors to have bakgiseo minister, jomungyeong pastor Kim, Jong-Soo pastor treasurer secretaries were sworn in the current gyose are over 250 in five district churches and 4 Ten thousand believers are registered as Nazarenes, and the Philippines, Kazakhstan, Taiwan, Japan, Italy, Australia, China, and And missionary sending of 10 people