Officially Established in Indonesia in 1973, East Timor in 2001 and recently in Singapore in 2017
Population: 267 Million
Field Strategy Coordinator: Rev. Stephen Gualberto
Institutions: Indonesia Nazarene Theological College
“The quality of one’s future opportunities is largely determined by the quality of one’s decisions today.”
The truth of this quote drives us to want to make the best decisions, policies, and strategies that we can today. This means never thinking only about the present situation, but also keeping an eye on the horizon.
Perhaps the greatest area of progress has been with the young people that are growing up in the Church of the Nazarene. There is a great deal of real potential in them, and they are much more open to trying new ways to do things. One example is that we have started a young leaders development program that currently has 26 young people in training, and a plan to expand that number as these 26 gain in the areas of character, skills, and leadership understanding.
At Indonesia Nazarene Theological College (INTC) we are seeing an increase in enrollment because of a change of perspective. In the past, there was a single method for clergy education and development that was completely dependent on the INTC, which viewed itself more as an academic institution than a preparer of church planters and ministers.
Today we have policies and decisions taking us to a future where clergy education and development are empowered by INTC, working in cooperation with the Districts and pioneer areas to provide multiple points for education, training and continuing education. We’ve started the process of building the strategies of the field and the Districts into INTC’s curriculum with special emphasis on pioneer work and church planting in the cities.