Signs of Peace…The Power of Prayer in Papua New Guinea!

Sep 22, 2015

Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, PNG:  God is truly answering prayer in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea!

Urgent Prayer Request – Tribal Fighting in Papua New Guinea

Last week it was reported that some members of the tribe that live around the Kudjip area, recruited assistance of another tribe and then raided the area of Banz town.  This was in retribution for the death of one of their own tribesmen.

Unofficial reports are that two people lost their lives in these events along with 122 homes burned, countless pigs killed, and significant property damage inflicted on gardens and trees.

A strong and prompt police action has seemed to help in re-establishing peace.  Nearly fifty men from the Kudjip area were arrested by the police and are still being held in jail. The police have also tried to keep any weapons away from the road junctions and markets and are dissuading people from congregating there. NHM staff who were previously unable to work because of the fighting have now returned to work.

Two Nazarene Health Ministry (NHM) leaders were asked to come in and help begin peace talks between the two groups.  Both sides currently have agreed to work out a peaceful solution. Local churches are already trying to reach out to the community around Banz that saw so much devastation.

We are praying for Christians in both communities, that they would help people who are suffering and be a light of hope and peace, leading  people to Christ through these unfortunate events.

Just prior to this tribal disturbance, the hospital had its own problems.  A few people in the community were challenging the hospital’s leadership and rightful decisions.   The NHM Team encouraged  all sides to do what was right, in a peaceful manner, not through intimidation and tribalism. The NHM Team assured those with the dispute that NHM was there to serve and not to create division.

Now in the wake of this current tribal fighting, we pray that the importance of standing on truth is even more clear to the community.  It is the very NHM leaders that were being opposed in the conflict with the hospital, who are now key mediators of peace in the greater tribal disturbance.

We pray that God would make truth and good leadership evident and that the eyes of the community would be opened to the problems of following the ways of tribal violence and greed.

Please join us in praying:

  • For the authorities, that they would have wisdom and strength, especially for the Provincial Police Commander.
  • That peace would be restored before more lives and property are lost.
  • For our NHM leaders. They are pleading with people to keep the peace and challenging people to see this as an opportunity to repent and change.
  • That those affected on both sides will be drawn to God’s truth.

— Submitted:  Dr. Scott Dooley and Rev. Harmon Schmelzenbach.


Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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