Cebu City, Philippines: The Philippines-Micronesia Field held its second offering of the Women Clergy Conference last 2-4 June, 2022. 71 women clergy and pastors’ wives gathered in Central Philippines Nazarene College for a time of refreshing and encouragement. This is a timely event after experiencing various challenges during this pandemic.
The theme of the conference is “Empowering Women Clergy and Pastors’ Wives in the Ministry” which is the same theme of the first conference that happened in Luzon last 7-9 April 2022. This theme is in-line with one of the goals of the field which is to strengthen and empower women in ministry.
The 3-day event focused on encouraging, equipping, and challenging the women through their plenary workshops and evening worships led by pastors’ wives and women clergy in the districts. Ana Maria Babao shared “The Role and Responsibilities of Pastor and Pastor’s Wife.” Sharon Punsalan shared “The Joys and Pains of a Pastor’s Wife.” Mary Jean Balayo facilitated the plenary about “What pastors’ kids expect from us?” During the worship service, Inocencia Piliin challenged the participants about spiritual intimacy and prayer. While Evelyn invited everyone into renewing the call and holiness in leadership.
The sharing time with respective groups enhanced the discussion and reflection on the learnings that the delegates had gained through the speakers. This enabled them to share their experiences, give insights, and establish new acquaintances with fellow women.

The two evening worships were the highlight of the conference. The delegates felt the Holy Spirit’s move, leading them to a moment of refreshment and revival. Moreover, the session with the pastors’ kids was eye-opening to most delegates. These kids grew up and shared the highs and lows with their parents in the ministry. They shared how blessed and how they overcame unrealistic expectations from church people.
“I praise God for the topics that have been discussed. It was very timely and helpful for me as a new pastor’s wife.” -Delegate
“I praise and thank God for the privilege that I was able to attend this conference. A big help and reminder for our responsibilities being a pastor’s wife.” -Delegate
The Lord deserves the highest glory and honor as everyone went home blessed and empowered to serve in their places of ministry.
Written by: Sharon A. Punsalan