Celebrating with the Church in Myanmar!

by | Aug 5, 2020

There is good news from the country of Myanmar: Jesus Christ is growing His Kingdom! People are receiving the truth and giving their lives to the Lord. Here are the stories of three new churches in that nation.

Pastor Nay Lin Kayw

Salvation Evangelical Church of the Nazarene
On July 18, 2020, Salvation Evangelical Church held their installation service. The Pastor at this church is Pastor Nay Lin Kayw. He is a local pastor from Paletwa in the Chin State. Before coming to salvation in Jesus, Pastor Kyaw was Catholic. He accepted Christ in 2008. After that, he studied at Gospel for Asia and Victory Bible College and graduated with a B. Th. In 2013. In 2014, He received an M. Div. from Judson International Seminary.

During the time Pastor Kayw was in seminary, the civil war in Myanmar affected many of the native villages. The area around Paletwa became a battlefield, and many villagers died; others lost their homes. About 170 Refugees left their villages and moved to the Hmawbi and Shwe Pyi Thar areas of Yangon. Recognizing both a need and an opportunity, Pastor Kyaw began to work with these refugees, many of whom followed a traditional religion. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, five families are now Christians.

Salvation Evangelical Church

Mro (Khimi) Youth Community Church of the Nazarene
Pastor chu Pastor Mg Mg Tun-a a niOn July 19, 2020, the Mro (Khimi) Youth Community Church held their installation service. The Pastor at this church is Pastor Mg Mg Tun. He is from Buti Taung which is in the Rakhine State and borders the Chin State. His background is Mro. Culturally, the Mro are animists, but in 2011, Pastor Tun met Christ, and his life was changed. He attended Bible College and graduated with a B.Th. in 2015. After that, Pastor Tun began serving the Church. He and two friends planted the Mro Youth Community Church.

The areas around Buti Taung have also been affected by the civil war. Many Mro people fled to the regions of Himawbi and Hlegu in Yangon. In this area, there are approximately 880 Mro refugees. These refugees are about 50% Christian, 40% Buddhist, and 10% Animists. Please pray for Pastor Tun and others as they dedicate their lives to sharing the love of Christ with these people.

Zion Church of the Nazarene

Zion Church of the NazareneOn July 20, 2020, the Zion Church of the Nazarene held their installation service. Pastor Jacob Hruai is serving as the Pastor. His father held a Local Minister’s License with Minhla Church of the Nazarene, and Pastor Hruai’s parents provided Him with a strong Christian background. In 2009, he graduated with a B.Th. After that, he received a Master of Biblical Studies in Madras World Bible College, India, and graduated in 2011.

Pastor Hruai has been serving in the Myaung Tagar village near Yangon. God gave him the vision of working with orphans in that area. Currently, he and his family care for seventeen children.

Pastor Hruai is a bivocational pastor; he works as a bricklayer and construction worker. After work, he labors to evangelize his neighbors. Through this work, there are now thirty-five members in the Zion Church of the Nazarene. Similar to both the Salvation Evangelical Church of the Nazarene and the Mro Community Church of the Nazarene, the Zion Church of the Nazarene also ministers to refugees in their area.

Zion Church of the Nazarene


Article contributed by John Mafinga, SEA Field NMI Coordinator

Steve Barber

Steve is the Communications Coordinator for Southeast Asia Field. Steve and Rebecca are based in Northern Thailand.

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