Asia-Pacific Region held its first-ever online Women’s Clergy Conference

Oct 20, 2021

Asia-Pacific Region held its first online Women’s Clery Conference last October 9, 2021. The theme of the conference was “Cultivating the Call: Advocating and Nurturing the Call for Women in Ministry”. Over 300 women and men from 20 countries attended the all-day conference. Plenary sessions and workshops were translated into six languages.

Asia-Pacific Regional Director Dr. Mark Louw shared he desires to see this conference be catalytic in launching each participant as an advocate for women in ministerial leadership, looking beyond culture to ensure that the most qualified person would be considered for leadership assignment regardless of gender.

Plenary Sessions via Zoom

The conference included 3 plenary sessions led by Dr. Lena Crouso, Dr. Carla Sunberg, and Dr. Melba Maggay.

The conference hosted 15 workshops which included what men need to know about women in ministry, holistic health care, empowering to lead, biblical foundations of women ministers, and cultivating space for women to flourish, just to name a few.

On the first plenary session, Dr. Lena Crouso – Chief Diversity Officer and Vice-President of Intercultural Learning and Engagement from Southern Nazarene University challenged the participants to be pastoral, prophetic, and purpose voices to all women called to ministry. She reminded them that “The Church is now called to be for your call and it is also their duty to be bound before God to affirm, honor, and champion their calling.”

G.S. Sunberg champions for women

General Superintendent, Dr. Carla Sunberg shared her personal testimony of how key mentors in her life championed her calling and journeyed with her through the unique obstacles of full-time ministry for women. And Dr. Melba Maggay, President of the Institute for Studies in Asian Church and Culture revealed that though educated and equipped for ministry and leadership, she needed “ego strength to lead as she is gifted” and not simply emulate others. This is a challenge for all who are called and entrusted with gifts from our Lord.

“Thank you. I enjoyed the sessions. It was an eye opener and very encouraging that we as women in ministry or leadership can also be part of the Great Commission. We just need make ourselves available.”

Cecilia Pei Silovo, from the Philippines.

The Asia-Pacific Nazarene Women’s Clergy Conference plenary session and workshop videos are available online. You can access them through the Asia-Pacific Region website, Youtube and Vimeo. The region encourages the local church boards and leaders to watch these videos and share them. Everyone can be champions of those who are in the ministry by being open and teachable to all who the Lord has anointed as pastors, evangelists, and teachers.

Rachel Piliin

Rachel Piliin is the Executive Assistant of the Communications Coordinator in Asia-Pacific Region.

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