A local church in Myanmar impacts the community through water well

Feb 23, 2023

Yeshin Village, Myanmar: For many years, people living in the Yeshin Gone village have struggled with a clean water supply.  The villagers used to walk or drive almost 1 kilometer to fetch water. Through the partnership of Southeast Asia Field Nazarene Compassionate Ministries and Bethlehem Church of the Nazarene, a new well was successfully drilled and is now serving the community of about 100 people.

The new well made it easier for the local pastor and his family to live on the church campus. It is also very helpful during church gatherings and makes it possible for the local church to host training sessions. The well provides clean water for the villagers to use for drinking, cooking, cleaning, etc.

The new well benefits not only the congregation but the surrounding community. It also opens opportunities to start new contact points and outreach ministry. The local church pastor and local leaders are responsible for the well’s maintenance and operation. The local church is also planning to provide WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) Awareness Training in the community in partnership with local health workers to prevent the spread of waterborne infections and enhance sanitation in the community.

Access to clean water is one of the essential needs in churches and communities in the rural areas of Myanmar. Since 2022, NCM Southeast Asia has drilled 5 wells in five remote local churches in the country – Bethleham, Shalom, Shema, Khulam, and Agape.  Through these wells, the local churches are not only providing the physical needs of the people. They also have the opportunity to minister to the community and share the love of Jesus with them as the “Living Water.”

Reported by: Jerome Thuama (SEA Field NCM Coordinator)

Steve Barber

Steve is the Communications Coordinator for Southeast Asia Field. Steve and Rebecca are based in Northern Thailand.

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