Amazing Missions Offering from Highlands of Papua New Guinea!

by | Mar 19, 2016

Papua New Guinea:  According to Nazarene Missions International (NMI) Fast Facts, in 2015,  706 missionaries and 327 missionary kids were deployed from 50 world areas (including 302 long-term Mission Corps volunteers).

Incredible!  Fifty world areas are now sending missionaries, up from 35 in 2014!

The highlanders of Papua New Guinea are one of those world areas that are seeing themselves as a sending church in a Very Big Way!  Peter and Jenny Isaac are from Papua New Guinea and are regional missionaries serving as the District Superintendent in the island nation of Vanuatu.

Peter and Jenny Isaac and family.   Vanuatu District Superintendent.

Peter and Jenny Isaac and family. Vanuatu District Superintendent.

Peter and Jenny were recently on home assignment in the Highlands of PNG and they sent in this absolutely AMAZING story of God at work.

On Saturday the 28th of February 2016, we went to Simbu / Eastern Highlands district in PNG, which is our home district, in order to do a presentation on the work in Vanuatu.

 That day worship was very different than usual,  with more than two thousand people present and in tears!  The service was commenced at 10.00 am and finished at 2.00 pm.

During that period of time, God came in His mighty way to break every disunity, indifferences, and caused people to be joined in one accord.   There was a sweet wave and passion for mission that swept through the group, touching everyone there.

We preached, gave our mission presentation, and then an offering was collected.  God answered our prayers that day as the people truly responded in an amazing way!  When the offering was collected, the amount was 59,400 Kina (K) in total!  K50,000 was dedicated straight for the Vanuatu District Center building project and the remainder was committed to our deputation ministry account.  We praise God for the District NMI team that has been igniting the fire for missions and for all of those who gave so cheerfully!


So how much is K59,400, well at exchange rates as of the writing of this story, that’s the equivalent of $19, 394 USD!!!  This, in a country  were in the highlands, those who have a job, might receive around $100 per month!

Not only are the highlanders seeing themselves as a sending church, but they are sacrificially giving to see that the gospel message is taken to the nations!  Praise God for igniting the passion and vision for missions in the hearts of the highlanders!


Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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