Mini track hoe standing a new power pole on the Kudjip Mission Station.

Mini track hoe standing a new power pole on the Kudjip Mission Station.

Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, Papua New Guinea: It is hard to believe that what started over two years ago is very close to completion.  The Nazarene Hospital Hydro Project is within weeks of being ready to provide clean and consistent power for the hospital and mission station at Kudjip.

DS Yambe

DS Yambe tells about the History of the Church of the Nazarene and its mission of compassion at the Hydro dedication ceremony.

April 30th was the day of dedication for the new hydro system.  Many people and dignitaries were present for the big event.  It was a beautiful sunny day that the Lord had truly blessed with no rain during the night, so things were in good shape for the celebration.  The dedication ceremony included special presentations by mission personnel and local dignitaries, and then a walk down to the dam for a ribbon cutting ceremony, where the canal gate was opened briefly to allow the first water to flow down the canal towards the new power house and generator.

[flex_slider pause_duration=’3000′][slide source=’’ caption=’ITEC Team preparing a power pole on the Kudjip Station.’][slide source=’’ caption=’The gates at the dam.’][slide source=’’ caption=’The new generator inside the power house.’][slide source=’’ caption=’Water flowing over the new dam.’][slide source=’’ caption=’Community attending the ribbon cutting ceremony.’][/flex_slider]

The progress towards completion has received a tremendous boost from Bill Wright and the ITEC team (International Technical, Electric and Construction), who have been on site placing new power poles and lines, working in the power house setting up the new hydro generator, and assisting Earl Hartwig (Kudjip Hydro Project Manager) with the final details of completing the project.  The days of no longer having unexpected power outages and loosing hospital equipment to surges and brownouts are near and end.   Our missionary doctors and nurses are thrilled at the prospect of no longer experiencing the lights and equipment going off in the middle of surgeries and other procedures.

God has truly blessed this project and we are so very thankful for the financial partnership and involvement of those who have added their expertise, knowledge and plain old hard work in making the hydro project a reality.  The dedication ceremony was a testament to God’s faithfulness in how He has brought together all of the components needed to make this dream become a reality, not just from a building perspective, but from the eternal perspective of lives touched and changed for the Kingdom!

May God receive the glory!

See related story of revival among those working on the hydro project.


Submission: Jeffrey & Susan Myers – see their blog