We Cried Out and God Has Answered – Housing and Water Project Moves Forward at Kudjip Station, PNG.

May 22, 2015

Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, Papua New Guinea:  Housing for staff has been a struggle for Nazarene Health Ministries at Kudjip, for quite some time.

station-housing-1Problems have involved over-crowding, deteriorating houses, and limited hiring ability as there have been no facilities near the hospital for staff to live. We have been crying out to God!

It has been a long journey but God has been putting several things together over the last several years.  One was that we have had a great relationship with Australian Aid because they have seen how every time they invest in our work here in PNG, it translates into great care for the people of Papua New Guinea.  Knowing housing was a critical issue for us, Australian Aid pledged to match up to K2.5 million (Kina)  in whatever we could take in (the equivalent of about US$1 million).

We received K500,000 from the Anglimp South Wahgi Member of Paliament, and K100,000 from the North Wahgi Member.  We knew we needed 3 doctor houses for new missionaries to come and so we stepped out on faith as we continued to raise money.  We partnered with Nazarene Compassionate Ministries to apply for a grant from USAID.  In this grant we pledged we could raise US$100,000 from the Church of the Nazarene and USAID would provide $800,000.  We received this grant and helped us reach the total needed to double all of it through Australian Aid!  During this process we found out about the NMI 100 Anniversary Projects  and from what districts have pledged so far we will double our needed church commitment!

Listing of more 100th Anniversary Projects!



The result will be 3 new doctor’s houses, 29 staff houses, 4 toilet / shower blocks, and a new well system to distribute clean water to the whole station!


Dr.-Ted-and-babyIt’s so much more than medicine.  Lives are being touched physically, which is opening the doors for us to share the hope and peace of the one true physician, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Thank you for your prayers, donations, work and witness teams, volunteers, medicines / equipment, sending of missionaries, and specific partnerships in projects like this one!

— Submitted:  Dr. Scott Dooley, Hospital Administrator, Kudjip Nazarene Hospital.

For more information:  Follow this Link.

Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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