A great milestone was hit at the recent District Assembly in Vanuatu. Not only was the District Assembly held in a newly constructed District Center, but the District gave its first ordination service ever on October 30 ordaining three new ministers: Rev. Keithly Jereva, Rev. Meriam Naunga, and Rev. Gideon Sam.
Micronesia/South Pacific Field Strategy Coordinator Harmon and Cindy Schmelzenbach along with Regional Director Mark Louw and his family witnessed this historic event while General Superintendent Filimao Chambo presided.
GS Chambo shared with the ordinands what it meant to be ordained in the Church of the Nazarene. “We…view ordination as a gift from God to the church. It is not something that we earn or deserve. It is through the local church that you came to the Lord…through the general church you had theological training … and the district has been part of your journey… they see the gifts and graces for you to be a preacher of the Word.”