Urgent Prayer for Myanmar

Jul 23, 2021

Myanmar: Southeast Asia Field and Northwest District Superintendent Lal Pekmawia shared an update on the current situation with Covid-19 in the middle of the ongoing military takeover in Myanmar.

“Here in Southeast Asia, the number of Covid cases continues to increase. In July, the city of Tahan reported that nearly 450 people died due. One of the most significant needs is oxygen tanks. Many NGOs and churches are struggling to help meet the needs, but there is still a long way to go.”

If one disease was not enough, we also hear that Dengue Fever is also on the rise. This morning, we received word from one of our pastors about his family struggling with this and many others.”

To complete the triple threat, the civil war in Myanmar continues. War brings death, destruction, and increased poverty to people who already struggle.”

Yet, there is hope. In the midst of this, Churches are standing firm with the gospel message and their words and actions. We continue to hear how Churches are providing food, shelter, masks, and oxygen tanks.”

Urgent prayer is requested:

  • Oxygen supply for patients is of utmost need. People have to line up to get access to oxygen tanks but most of them go home empty handed.
  • In the Northwest District there are several pastors and a lot of member were suffering from Covid-19. There are some who have recovered but still need ongoing medication and supply of oxygen. There are also 4 deaths including 2 babies.
  • Praise the Lord because in the Northern Myitkyina district and central pioneer area, Mandalay, there were no reported members who are sick of Covid-19.
  • The district’s Nazarene Disaster Response is planning to buy oxygen concentrators that will be placed in Chapman International College, Kalaymyo Center located in the district office to help the community. Also, the response team is planning on opening the center to treat and care Covid-19 positive patients. They will be needing more volunteers to help in responding to this challenging situation in their area.


Grace Tia

Grace Tia is the Communications Coordinator for the Asia-Pacific Region.

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