Unleash 2019: There’s still time!

by | May 31, 2019

We have just under 140 days until the Asia-Pacific Region meets in Chiang Mai, Thailand, for Unleash 2019! The regional conference, to be held October 18-23, will feature services, workshops, and a chance to meet with brothers and sisters in Christ from across the Asia-Pacific Region. This exciting event is available to Nazarenes from across our region, so visit the conference website to learn more and reserve your spot today!

The theme of the conference, “Unleash the Power,” is a call to embrace the amazing things the Holy Spirit has for His people. Each worship session will focus on a specific aspect of God’s power that we as Nazarenes must embrace as we participate in the building of God’s Kingdom. Services will focus the different kinds of power God has for us: the Power of God, who is building His kingdom through the work of the Church; the Power of the Church, God’s primary way of building the Kingdom on earth; the Power of Discipleship, where the Holy Spirit equips us to help each other prepare for the hard work of spreading the Gospel; the Power of Love, and how Christ changes the world through the love that flows through His people; and the Power of One, and how the Holy Spirit works through individuals to change the world.

Featuring speakers like Dr. Fili Chambo and Dr. Mark Louw, Unleash 2019 is a special opportunity to engage with the amazing work God is doing on the Asia-Pacific Region. Register today!


Nate Owens

Nate Owens served as the Communications Coordinator of the Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific in a tandem role with his wife Hope Owens. The whole family is an avid fan of board games.

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