The Northern Thailand Nazarene Family Stands Firm

by | Apr 15, 2011

Over 300 Nazarenes from 11 churches gathered together for the 6th Family Camp for the Northern Thailand District held at the Pasak Village March 28-31, 2011. Newly elected District Superintendent and missionary, Rev. Kent Pelton, opened the camp with a practical message from Ephesians that resounded throughout the rest of the week: “Stand Firm on Jesus Christ.” Pelton challenged that though the uphill climb includes suffering, we must keep moving forward by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus and by growing in Christlikeness so others around us will know Christ.

Other speakers and teachers during the week included Burmese Lahu pastor Philemon, Samuel Yangmi, Nitnarin Eamthongkum, and Suwisa Supunya and her youth leadership training team. An early morning prayer meeting began each day at sunrise, and a late night music fest led by Rev. Philemon’s music team concluded each night. Various churches provided special music throughout the week.

Samuel Yangmi concluded the camp by serving Communion as he exhorted, “We come in unity [to the cross] receiving communion in remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice.” Pasak Pastor La Shue joined Yangmi in challenging the 19 newly baptized youth to grow in their faith so they too will stand firm in Christ. Over $100 was received in a special offering to assist in the relief effort following the earthquake in Myanmar. Commenting about the significance of this bi-annual camp in the lives of our Lahu brothers and sisters, Yangmi said that “the camp provides real encouragement as the church families though separated by mountains are able to come together in warm fellowship.”

by Lisa Lehman
Southeast Asia Field Communications Coordinator




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