Kaeo, New Zealand: The long awaited arrival of the Engle family has finally come! Auckland welcomed them with cool temps and light rain, as per usual, but that didn’t dampen their spirits.
The New Zealand District is blessed to have this precious family as their newest team members on the district, teaching in the rural NZ town of Kaeo, 1.5 hours north of Whangarei, and serving with our local fellowship on the weekends.
None could be more thrilled and relieved than Steve himself! He arrived in country a month ago, alone, ahead of his family, due to visa and employment complications. He has eagerly anticipated the reunion with them since the day he left.
The Engles have been on the journey to New Zealand for over two years now, but encountered many complexities along the route…until now!
In His perfect timing and foreknowledge, God provided a teaching position for Steve at a very difficult high school up north, and now has opened the door for the rest of the family to join him.
The Engles come from Tennessee, USA. Please pray for Steve, Lori, Harrison, Hollister, Heidi, and Hadley, as they acclimate to life on the other side of the planet!
Finally, as District Superintendent Neville Bartle says, “The Engle has landed!”
Please keep the Engle Family in your prayers. They are in for a wild, exciting, challenging, and eternally rewarding ride!
— Submitted: Alison Weinstock