Asia-Pacific Region:  Asia-Pacific Regional Director, Dr. Mark Louw, announced the appointment of a new Regional Literature Coordinator and Regional Education Coordinator.

Regional Literature Coordinator

Lisa Lehman

Lisa Lehman

On January 23rd, Lisa Lehman, was appointed as the new Regional Literature Coordinator.  Lisa has served the Southeast Asia Field with great passion in the area of literature development, translation and distribution. Her understanding of the power of the Word and passion for the continued need for appropriate literature in the church will be a true asset to the Region.


Regional Coordinator of Education & Clergy Development

John and Vicki Moore

John and Vicki Moore

Effective July 15, 2015, Dr. John Moore, Field Strategy Coordinator for the Australia New Zealand Field, will become the new Regional Coordinator of Education and Clergy Development. He will be assuming this assignment in addition to his current FSC assignment.

John has a sincere passion for theology, ministerial development and continuing education. His insight and keen knowledge of the state of education and institutions on the Region are invaluable during these days of transition.