Prayer, preparation under way for global WEF PLUS offering

Oct 17, 2010

When the impossible takes place, we know it is the Holy Spirit – not human beings – at work. In the past three years, even while World Evangelism Fund (WEF) giving has slowly decreased during the worldwide recession, the Church of the Nazarene has experienced growth in miraculous, Spirit-driven movements. Since 2007, the church has recorded a net gain of over 300,000 new members, unprecedented in our church history.

When the impossible takes place, we know it is the Holy Spirit – not human beings – at work.

In the past three years, even while World Evangelism Fund (WEF) giving has slowly decreased during the worldwide recession, the Church of the Nazarene has experienced growth in miraculous, Spirit-driven movements. Since 2007, the church has recorded a net gain of over 300,000 new members, unprecedented in our church history.

Humans may be limited in our resources to fully mobilize in response to this growth, but God is not.

The Apostle Paul described a “thorn” that God had allowed to obstruct Paul’s utmost potential for ministry, and wrote, “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me” (2 Corinthians 12:9, NIV).

Anytime God’s people recognize when they have reached their human limits, it is the opportunity God is waiting for to display His infinite power, His abundant resources, His everlasting grace. Scripture repeatedly testifies to how God chooses to display this power, abundance and grace through His people.

This fall’s Challenge 2010 is one such opportunity for the Church of the Nazarene and the Eurasia Region.

Our global church has the opportunity to express gratitude to God for His blessings by raising an additional $6 million (USD) in a one-time "WEF PLUS" offeringThis offering, given by churches around the world from September through December, is designed to help offset a potential reduction of WEF income of $13.5 million. The offering would empower our church to continue supporting the missionaries and personnel we have sent to expand God’s kingdom around the world.

During a weak economy, some may have concerns about giving above and beyond the 5.5-percent offering their church is raising for the World Evangelism Fund if they are facing reductions in giving, staff and operations.

Churches around the world and leaders at the Global Ministry Center share this concern. The fact remains that only with a significant WEF PLUS offering this fall — beyond normal WEF giving — will we be able to retain our holiness presence with an already reduced number of missionaries.

This kind of giving is not possible with our limited human resources. We choose to step out of the way as God flings open the doors of His heavenly storehouses, releasing His abundant resources for the largest offering in our denomination’s history. We know that God “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20, NIV).

As local churches plan to receive the WEF PLUS offering during Challenge 2010, a new website provides resources to prepare each congregation. At there is a planning guide, a six-week video series, bulletin inserts, clip art, printable posters and PowerPoint backgrounds.

The strategy involves the following:

Breakdown of goals

1. Global goal: $6 million to sustain missionaries and our global mission

2. Global prayer: 6 minutes per week for 6 weeks (one minute per day)

3. Global fasting: one meal per week for 6 weeks

4. Global focus: 6 prayer points in evangelism, disciple-making, leadership development, church development, missionary call/care, and compassion

5. Global regions: praying for one region per week for 6 weeks as follows:

6. Global participation: each regular attendee giving at least $10 (adjusted to reflect national parity) beyond regular mission offerings such as WEF, faith promise or Thanksgiving offerings. Some have decided to give one day’s earnings for WEF PLUS.

To download a chart with suggestions for giving parity, click here.

Please pray with our global church family for God to demonstrate His power and glory through His people this fall.



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