Kudjip, Papua New Guinea: A group of ladies from the Jiwaka North District Churches brought a bountiful food harvest to bless the missionaries at Nazarene General Hospital (formerly Kudjip Nazarene Hospital) on Saturday, 15 July 2023.
Working in their gardens and local markets, the ladies gathered over 1,000 pounds of fresh produce, including bananas, pineapples, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes. They also brought eggs, sugar, and cooking oil.
The food was a welcome blessing to the missionaries who were very busy with their work at the hospital and struggled to find time to garden or go to market. They were grateful for the thoughtfulness of these ladies who had gone to great lengths to grow and purchase the food.

Incredibly, a nearby Nazarene orphanage had contacted the missionaries the night before and told them they were running short of food for the children. With the overabundance of food brought by the ladies, much food could be shared to Faith Children’s Center. The orphanage was overjoyed to receive the food from the missionaries, and the children were delighted to have a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables to eat.
The ladies’ act of kindness was a reminder of the importance of community and cooperation. They showed that each act of generosity can make a big difference in the lives of others – and that God’s timing is always perfect!
By Rev. Sharon Latu, MSP Field Communications Coordinator