Laguna, Philippines: Over 300 leaders from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao joined the Pastors’ and Laymen Conference on 9-11 April 2024, held at Rizal Recreation. This event happens every four years. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was put on hold and was supposed to happen in 2022.

One of this conference’s goals is to ensure that our church pastors and its leaders will be equipped and aware of the issues that need to be assisted and addressed. Topics on the plenary that were presented were the following: understanding self and emotions, legalities about the SEC registration of the Church of the Nazarene in the Philippines, ministering to the youth of these post-modern times, challenging the church on imagining what the future will be like mobilizing NMI in our local churches, launching of our own Nazarene discipleship curriculum and empowering the laity as co-workers alongside pastors with the calling in ministering to all.
The participants were also challenged with the revival message from Dr. Joven Laroya during the worship services. The message imparted to the congregation became a re-dedication of service and calling to the source of abounding grace and talents, our Lord Jesus Christ. The delegates were also offered different ministerial workshops that would be beneficial and a means of enhancement, as well as strategies and techniques for confronting workers in these changing times. The following are ministry to children and youth, chaplaincy ministry, handling church finances, and open space evangelization. A worship gathering will not be accomplished without receiving the Holy Communion conducted by our Asia Pacific Regional Director, Dr. Mark Louw, given to the entire congregation.
May the ever-faithful God sustain participants with strength and wisdom in receiving and teaching these learnings back to their local communities and congregations.