Partnerships Transform Dental Care in Highlands…And Partner Short-term Dentists are Now Needed!

by | Feb 16, 2017

Kudjip Hospital, Papua New Guinea:  “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken!” (Ecclesiastes 4:12 – NIV).

This is the story of partnerships!  Working together, we can accomplish so much more than working alone.  Samaritan’s Purse World Medical Mission (SP/WMM) has been one of these incredible partners that has made immeasurable impact in cooperation with Kudjip Nazarene Hospital!

Samaritan’s Purse – World Medical Mission has been the main source of volunteer doctors who have come and served in the Highlands at Kudjip.  To-Date, they have supplied two family practice doctors, one surgeon and one dentist through their Post Residency Program, with another surgeon and Family Practice doctor coming in 2017.

But, beyond supplying doctors, SP/WMM have been big supporters through providing equipment to Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, allowing the ministry to operate more effectively.  Not only have they supplied surgery equipment, to include better  anesthesia machines, lights, instruments and more, but they have also been a huge help in establishing the dental clinic.

Two years ago the dental clinic opened with a mismatch of equipment that worked, but not without much effort on the part of our dentist, Dr. Sheena Li.  Instruments and equipment broke regularly, supplies were hard to find and despite all of that, Dr. Li has still been able to care for 100s of patients over the past two years.

Now, thanks again to the generosity of SP/WMM we have a new state-of-the-art dental clinic.  Dr. Li has been able to transform dental care in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea just by being here and caring for the patients, in a Christ-honoring way.  Patients from all over the Highlands and beyond come to Kudjip to get dental care, the word has gotten out and they are coming.

As the ministry has developed, the work has truly become too much for Dr. Li alone. Over the past two years she has been training two dental assistants, Emelda and Clara, in the areas of cleaning, dental assisting, fabricating dentures, x-ray technology and more.  It has been great to watch these women grow in their dental skills and work together to serve the patients who come.

More Help Though is Needed!

Dr. Li will soon be heading out on Home Assignment in June of 2017.  There is an urgent need for someone to help fill her void.  Nazarene Health Ministries is seeking PNG dentists for Dr. Li to start training, but there is also a need for some experienced dentists to come and help oversee the dental clinic while she is gone.

Perhaps you are a dentist and looking to pursue a short-term volunteer missions assignment, using your gifts and passions for God’s purpose? Or maybe you have a friend or family member who is a dentist?  Please pray for this need and share the word!

For more information, please complete the below form and one of our volunteer personnel coordinators will be getting in touch with you!

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Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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