NNU students built a Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Project

by | Jun 21, 2024

Manila, Philippines: On 22-30 May 2024, five Northwest Nazarene University Engineering students, with their professors, and two Filipinos joined their team and served with them to build an Off-Grid Public Toilet with a Hand Washing Station at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary. This is a prototype project that hopes to be replicated and built in communities where access to clean water and toilets is a challenge.

The Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene or W.A.S.H project partners with NCM-Philippines Micronesia Field, Nazarene Missions Teams, APNTS, ICF, and Missionary Randy Goossens. This project provides a well-lit, safe place for people to privately practice good personal hygiene and access a clean water station without requiring any connection to water/sewer/power utilities. This system could also be used at an NCM disaster site or in the province without running water.

On the group’s first day, they gathered for orientation and learned about the ongoing ministries in the Philippines-Micronesia Field. Despite the hot weather, the team managed to organize the materials and get started. In the following days, the pipes were laid out, toilet floors were installed, and storage tanks were washed and leveled. In the middle of the week, there were times that it rained due to a low-pressure area, but still, the team managed to finish the project and turned it over to APNTS. Aside from completing the W.A.S.H Project, the team ministered to children at New Hope Church of the Nazarene and the staff at APNTS.

The Philippines-Micronesia Field is grateful to NNU students and professors. Indeed, this prototype will greatly help areas without access to clean water. We pray that more of these will be built around the areas where it is needed.


APNAZ Communications

Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations

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