NCM Responds to Need in Papua New Guinea

by | May 11, 2018

Monday, March 24th

A devastating flood swept through the Jiwaka province in northern Papua New Guinea. Some villages were swept away by the flood waters, and at least three people are determined to have died in the destruction.

However, the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries in the Jiwaka North District has responded to this crisis with faithfulness and compassion. Throughout the Jiwaka province, a total of 45 households have been assisted with food, tools, and other supplies to begin the long rebuilding process.

Matthew Galman, Melanesia South Pacific Field NCM Coordinator, expressed his thankfulness to God and the church: “To God be all the glory, honor and praise! He is the one from whom every good thing flows, and He has made every way possible for us to reach out to our brothers and sisters who are aching form the flood in the Jiwaka North District.”

Coordinator Galman also wished to acknowledge the support of the following people and organizations:

  • Jiwaka North District, including District Superintendent Andrew Akus, district advisory board members, pastors, and Christians who contributed.
  • Rotary Club of Boroko for donating a total of 25,000.00 PGK for important tools and supplies through the Brian Bell Company PNG.
  • Brian Bell Company PNG for the huge discount on the invoice that was initially valued at 46,000.00 PGK. This discount enabled NCM to fully satisfy a total of 45 family households.
  • Regional NCM Coordinator John Watton for his timely presence during the time of distribution, and for speaking the word of God on the compassion of Jesus in a very timely manner. Thank you for being a vessel of God.
  • Aprup Nazarene Church pastor and Christians, who through the pain rose up in compassion to help not only Nazarenes but also the community in general. They have been true ambassadors of Christ through your compassionate heart.
  • Community leaders for being very supportive and understanding and for cooperating with the church to make this happen. Thank you for maintaining normalcy and calm during the time of distribution.
  • Melanesia South Pacific NCM for initiation, coordination, advocacy and taking the lead in planning and taking care of all logistical needs.


Strategic - Self Assurance - Belief - Restorative - Analytical

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