Yangon, Myanmar: The Nazarene Women in Leadership Myanmar gathered on 18-22 September 2023 alongside the 3rd Pastors Conference in Yangon. Over 60 women leaders participated in this transformative event as they learned about leadership from a Christian perspective.

The conference featured speakers such as Rev. Lal Lian Vula, Rev. Jubilee Thanga, Jean Detalo Balayo, and Rev. Tha Zin (SEA Women in Leadership Coordinator). This conference was an excellent opportunity for women to come together and explore various aspects of Christian leadership. The speakers covered topics including the crucial role of a pastor’s wife, parents’ responsibilities, and women’s values. These discussions provided valuable insights and knowledge for the attendees. One of the conference’s main goals was to empower and inspire the participants. By listening to experienced speakers and engaging in meaningful conversations, the attendees gained a deeper understanding of leadership, parental responsibilities, the role of a pastor’s wife, and the significance of women in society.
Rev. Vula shared his personal experiences and emphasized the importance of his wife’s support in his ministry. He navigated the challenges and opportunities that come with the role of a pastor’s wife, providing valuable insights for the attendees. Rev. Jubilee discussed the vital role of parents in raising children and offered practical guidance on fulfilling parental duties effectively. Jean Detalo Balayo shed light on a pastor’s wife’s specific responsibilities and expectations, addressing the unique challenges and opportunities that come with that role. Her insights were invaluable in helping the attendees understand the importance of supporting their husbands in their pastoral work. Rev. Tha Zin highlighted the value and importance of women in various aspects of society, encouraging the attendees to recognize and embrace their worth. Her words resonated deeply with the audience, inspiring them to embrace their leadership roles and positively impact their communities. These discussions provided new perspectives and practical strategies, encouraging attendees to apply these ideas personally and professionally.

This conference was a significant step forward in empowering Nazarene women in Myanmar. It is also a huge encouragement to all the women present. They left the conference with a gift of a deeper understanding of their role in leadership, as a pastor’s wife and worth as women. The conference undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the attendees, equipping them with the knowledge and inspiration to become firm, influential leaders in their communities.
by Rev. Thazin, SEA Field Women In Leadership Coordinator