Narnia, Book Clubs, Food and Fellowship…Building Bridges on the Asia-Pacific Region

Nov 14, 2013

Sharing the Gospel here on the Asia-Pacific Region truly starts by building bridges to relationships with our neighbors.   One of our team members recently shared this story.

“Narnia Nights” is my newest way to interact with students. I was able to gather 20 copies of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe while I was home this summer.   The last two Mondays, I sat down in a circle in my living room with the students who signed up and discussed together what we had read in the first eight chapters.

It’s quite a new direction for many of the students as they read very little fiction in their teen years, since life is geared towards passing exams and getting high marks. Some were so excited that they have already read the whole book, not just the assigned chapters. I’m especially looking forward to the further encounters with Aslan and the related symbolism that will soon be coming in the story.

Any teacher can relate to the joy of having students who want so much to learn that they do things above and beyond the required. I have had a couple of students along the way who, though not assigned to my classes, attended them regularly just to learn more. Lisa and Liz (not their real names) are two such students. Lisa was a senior last year who attended my class most of the year, just through her own desire to learn. She was also one of my first Book Study students.  Now Lisa has graduated and is teaching back home, but we are still able to talk occasionally via Skype. Her curiosity leads her to ask many really great questions and I have so enjoyed watching her soak up learning and hearing the insights she has gained. For example, she saw in me a trusting nature unusual in her world and, with no prompting on my part, said “that must be what God does for you.” Her teaching situation has taken her far from where I am.  My desire for her is that she will continue growing and learning where she is now living.

Liz was a friend of Lisa’s and after hearing Lisa tell about all that she was learning, Liz also started attending Book Studies and one of my listening classes each week. Liz also shares Lisa’s curiosity and love of learning. She loves getting together with me for more conversation, one-on-one, even more often than the regular sessions. We have shared some meals and movies, like Left Behind and the Grace Card, and she is drinking it all in. In our study of John’s book a couple of weeks ago, when we heard Him say that His people will have trouble in life but to not be afraid, Liz focused in on the fact that WE don’t have to be afraid in hard times. I love how she identified herself with His people. I trust and hope that she continues drawing closer and closer to the source of that strength and hope.

So…Narnia nights every Monday evening, Book Study on Tuesday nights, Ladies fellowship group every other Wednesday night, supper and movie with my colleague on Friday nights, Saturday afternoon Book Studies and Saturday evening movies nights (which are booked solid a month in advance these days)… so appreciative of my cozy apartment and so enjoy having people over to share it!

Looking for opportunities to grow and believe while building bridges and relationships, is truly what serving our Lord is all about.  We trust that you are finding joy in the opportunities that God brings your way!

Serving Him on the Asia-Pacific Region.

Contributor: MB

Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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