Myanmar Central District celebrates second district assembly

by | Jan 18, 2023

Mandalay, Myanmar: Myanmar Central District celebrated its second District Assembly and Conventions on 13-14 January. This is the youngest district in Southeast Asia Field. 60 delegates and guests participated in this gathering.

The NYI, NDI, and NMI Conventions were held on the first day. Dr. Bill Kwon – Southeast Asia Field Strategy Coordinator and Charity Shonamon (missionary) did a training on the purposes and responsibilities of these essential ministries. This is also the first time that the district elected its NYI, NDI, and NMI presidents.

The District Assembly was held on the second day. Rev. Saya Adam was appointed as the new District Superintendent for Central Myanmar. In the past year, Central Myanmar started with 17 active preaching points, established a new mission-type church, baptized 65 new believers, and had 32 students enrolled in ministerial education courses. Currently, they have 12 district-licensed and 26 local-licensed ministers. One of the pastors will also be ordained later this month.

Please pray for this new and vibrant young district. Pray that the Lord will use the people to expand and multiply his work in their communities.

Reported By: Charity Shonamon

Steve Barber

Steve is the Communications Coordinator for Southeast Asia Field. Steve and Rebecca are based in Northern Thailand.

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