Missionary to Papua New Guinea ordained in Alaska!

by | May 30, 2014

Papua New Guinea (and Alaska): The Asia-Pacific Region is celebrating with Missionaries Michael (Mike) and Diane Chapman as Michael received his certificate of ordination at the Alaska District Assembly on May 8th.

Mike preaching at a Christmas service

Mike preaching at a Christmas service

ChapmansThe Chapmans were assigned as missionaries on the Asia-Pacific Region in 2007, where they have been serving in a variety of roles at the Kudjip Nazarene Hospital / mission station, and now most recently at the Melanesia Nazarene Bible College.  These rolls have included overseeing building projects, working in administrative capacities at the nurses training college, teaching elementary children at the mission school, coordination of work and witness teams and filling those shoes of “all other things as assigned.”  Mike has received great joy through facilitating a training program that involves a carpentry shop, where students/pastors are able to obtain vocational woodworking skills while attaining their theological education.


Mike coordinating building projects in PNG

Mike coordinating building projects in PNG

Mike and Diane are from the Alaska District.  Their home church is Chapel of the Cross.  They had lived in Alaska for 21 years where God prepared them for their assignment as missionaries in Papua New Guinea.  They have two sons.  Their oldest son and wife, Joseph and Bekah live in Boise, ID with their two grandchildren Alexander and Jamilyn.  Their youngest son and wife, Jonathan and Kathy live in Germany with their other two grandchildren Jonathan Gregory and Dexter.

Chapman1Congratulations Michael!  Thank you to you both for your faithful service to our Lord and the people of Papua New Guinea!





Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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