Everyone is called to make disciples. In Mongolia District Church of the Nazarene, the leaders are making a huge step to make sure they are also discipling the next generation – the children and youth. The Mongolia District Literature team worked on developing a children’s devotional book in Mongolian context and language. Last October, “Every Day 7 Minutes” was launched. The team hopes that this book will help the children and youth develop their habit of spending time with God. 200 books were distributed to the children within the local Nazarene churches. The book is also available for sale in local Chrisitan bookstores
During this pandemic, the physical gathering became very limited. Parents are always looking for materials to teach their children because Mongolian Christian literature materials for children are rare. This devotional book is an answered prayer and a blessing to the families. The authors designed the book not only for personal use but also as a family resource. During the week, children will read a passage and a Bible story in Mongolian and English (side by side). And then they can write their thoughts, draw, and make art in the book. And during the weekend, families can gather and share what the children learned and made. Parents can then give different emoticons to affirm what their children are learning.

Bayarmaa Alyeksandr, one of the writers of the book, created a Facebook group for the children using the devotional book. Currently, there are 80 children from around Mongolia who are part of the group and actively sharing their learning, drawing, and experiences with other children.

The vision why we wrote this book is beginning to come true. Not only do children learn about God. They also learn how to think, draw, and write creatively.
Bayarmaa Alyeksandr
The Mongolia District Literature team has big plans. The team planned to finish the 4-part series of the devotional book for children (ages 11-14) and youth (ages 15-18) until 2022. They are also looking into translating the book into Russian, German, Korean, and Chinese so that the mission of making Christlike disciples of the next generation will continue beyond Mongolia.