Making A Difference One Shoe At A Time

Feb 12, 2020

Can one person really make a difference? This is a common question, and Katriel Nyman is a great answer.

In February 2020, the Grandview Church of the Nazarene sent a Work and Witness team to Thailand. As thirteen-year-old Katriel discussed this trip with her grandparents, she decided to get involved. She did not know much about Thailand, but she knew that they played soccer. Her idea was to raise money and provide soccer shoes for the children.

Katriel began by starting a GoFundMe page and talking to friends and family. Her efforts paid off! By the time she arrived in Thailand, she had three large suitcases that contained shoes, cleats, and sports socks.

During her visit to Mae Taeng, Thailand, Katriel was able to present the soccer equipment to a local leader, Pastor Charon. Pastor Charon has a soccer ministry in Northern Thailand. He uses soccer as an outreach ministry not only for his village, and for villages throughout Northern Thailand. Pastor Charon not only has teams that he coaches, but he is training other pastors to start ministries like this in their villages. Equipment like this is a tremendous help for these ministries.


Katriel Nyman

Katriel’s efforts are like a rock thrown into a pond. What started out as a discussion with her family spread out to her friends, her church, and soon to many others. Her efforts then blessed Pastor Charon’s village, and through his ministry, the blessings will ripple out across Northern Thailand.

When people ask if one person can make a difference, Katriel teaches us that the answer is a resounding “yes”! She never set out to bring multiple suitcases of soccer equipment. She just wanted to do something. What is God calling you to do? What seems small to us can end up impacting the world.

Steve Barber

Steve is the Communications Coordinator for Southeast Asia Field. Steve and Rebecca are based in Northern Thailand.

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