Local Work & Witness Team mobilized to help a church in Southern Tagalog District

Sep 17, 2021

Batangas City, Philippines: The Covid-19 pandemic affected a lot of ministries, and one of those is Work & Witness. Teams are unable to travel internationally due to closed borders. But these challenges give opportunities for other believers to step up, look where God is working and join Him there.

Rev. Jun Macas, Southern Tagalog District Superintendent shared a need in his district with a group of leaders in the Philippines. The group did not hesitate to come up with ways to help. Rev. Macas shared that a local church building in Batangas is being repurposed after many years. Also, the parsonage needs work so the new pastor can move in.

Volunteers Gathered

The miracle of multiplication still happens in our midst. We just need to be ready to step out in faith.

Rev. Jun Macas

The members of the motorcycle enthusiasts group – Nazarene Riders Philippines volunteered to help with the repair of the church and the parsonage since they have skills in construction. Rev. Jackson Natividad of Gintong Aral Community Development Center volunteered to work with the local pastor, Rev. Kislev Nidoy to organize a feeding program. He hopes to minister to the community and open a relationship with the families there. Leody Echavez, Philippines-Micronesia Field (PMF) Nazarene Compassionate Ministries Coordinator also expressed a desire to participate. He invited Kevin and Janet Wilkins PMF Work and Witness Coordinators to join as well.

On August 30, 2021, during the Philippines celebration of National Heroes Day, a local Work and Witness team consisting of 24 people joined together to minister to the people of Batangas City Church of the Nazarene. The team repaired and renovated the parsonage. Also, 130 children received a delicious meal during the feeding program. The group was welcomed by the community leaders as they helped in keeping the children socially distanced during the feeding program. Together they were able to bless and be part of the mission of the local church in the community.

Turning Challenges to Opportunities

What seems to be a huge challenge became a huge blessing because of this local Work & Witness team. When the international Work & Witness teams are limited, the church can look in the available resource within and empower locals to form Work & Witness teams where they can use and share their talents and skills.

Rev. Macas shared, “We often view the work in the church as resource-starved. And this perspective paralyzes us. However, we have abounding resources. We just need to harness them. The ministry of Work & Witness is a great example that much can be accomplished even with limited resources. Yes! The miracle of multiplication still happens in our midst. We just need to be ready to step out in faith.

Janet Wilkins

Janet serves as the Field Communications Coordinator for Philippines-Micronesia. She is also the Regional Work and Witness Coordinator with her husband Kevin.

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