Living out Christ in Action…a Mum’s way!

by | Apr 6, 2014

Nappies (diapers for those in North America).

Nappies (diapers for those in North America).

New Zealand: Imagine being a young teenage solo mum, fearful about the future, financially unstable and limited in the resources necessary to raise a healthy child in 21st century New Zealand.

This is the plight of far too many young women here in Whangarei.  Within the last six weeks I have learned of four different girls within my own sphere of influence, most of whom are under the age of 17, who are now pregnant.   It is not uncommon to see girls half my age pushing prams (baby strollers) down the road or making frequent visits to the food bank.

This sad situation has not gone unnoticed.   In fact, the adult daughter of a dear friend from church has taken notice and decided to do something about it!  In her mid- thirties and a mum of six children herself, she fully understands the joys and challenges of motherhood and in her own quiet way has decided to find practical ways to help.   What does she do?  She does laundry for mums who don’t have access to washing facilities. She gathers baby clothes and nappies,  and fixes household items that are broken.  If there is a need she does her best to find someone who can meet that need.
No, this is not some highly organized, well-funded  programme; it’s not even advertised in any papers or newsletters.  It’s literally just a mum with a big heart who is herself on a journey to discover what it means to walk with Jesus and the very depth of his love, being used as a channel of blessing at the same time.
To date she has now been able to help 7 different mums and families, the youngest of whom was 13 years old.   Her ministry is growing organically by word-of-mouth and her own mother couldn’t be more proud!  Who knows what God has up His sleeve for the future!
I was so inspired by the compassion of this young mum that I just had to share.  I have a feeling this is only the beginning and wonder what role our church might play in supporting this endeavor in the future!
— Contributor:

Alison Weinstock - Aotearoa New Zealand

Alison Weinstock – Aotearoa New Zealand

Alison in Aotearoa / New Zealand

Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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