Kristus Pencipta Nazarene Church reaches communities through providing food packages

Jun 7, 2024

Gresik, East Java, Indonesia: The “Kristus Pencipta” Church of the Nazarene has been bringing a spirit of compassion to the community around it by providing free food in as many as 150 food packages every day since 2020.

Pastor Sukiswati started this movement. She had a tough life in the past. She experienced sickness, economic difficulties, family problems, and others, but God helped her get through it. Since then, she has committed as best as she could to help others in difficulties too. Since 2019, during the COVID-19 pandemic, which had a massive hit on the congregation, Mrs Sukis and her late husband had to help the congregation as a shepherd. But as a shepherd, she also experienced difficulties. They started with 20 thousand rupiah (USD$1.20) in their hands every day to do what they could. God saw the sincerity of their hearts; 20 thousand rupiahs (USD$1.20) slowly increased to 20 food packages, 40 food packages, and finally, it can be 150 food packages every day.

Mrs. Sukis distributes food to her congregations, who are in need, to the community around the church, and even to people who are not yet believers. Mrs. Sukis involves the congregation in helping cook and distribute the food. Through this compassion ministry, Mrs. Sukis and the congregation also have the opportunity to build relationships with the community, pray, and even testify about Christ to the community.

In addition to providing food packages to the community, Mrs. Sukis conducts other compassion ministries, like prison visits. So far, the service team has covered 12 prisons in East Java. The team visits prisoners, worships with them, and prays for them. One interesting story is one day, Mrs. Sukis and the team preach about how God loves them and forgives their past; if they believe, God will restore them and help them. A few days later, some prisoner is set free. The congregation also provides medical treatment for the community, assists school children, and helps servants of God struggling economically.

In carrying out this compassion ministry, Mrs. Sukiswati always remembers the story of the Bible’s five loaves and two fishes. They started with what they had in their hands, which was 20 thousand rupiah. They believed that it did not matter how much they had and how much they gave; God is the one who provides everything, God is sufficient in everything, and God is the one who makes everything abundant and makes it a blessing to more and more people.

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Wendi Pasaribu

Wendi Pasaribu is the Communications Coordinator for Sealands Field.

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