Korea: Professor Byung Ok Jang, of Korea Nazarene University (KNU) Digital Content Department and Chair of the Industry-University Cooperation, received a merit award in the Chungnam Venturers’ Conference that was held in North Chamber of Commerce and Industry on November 10, 2013.
KNU celebrates Jang’s accomplishments as he received the award for distinguished service, successful management, and achievement in educational industrial complex, including development of local venture industries.
The Chungnam Venturer Association annually awards individuals who benchmark remarkable achievement among the medium and small-sized enterprises, local government, government supporting centers, and universities.
“All the honor goes to the members of Industry-University Cooperation who have been sacrificially supporting me,” stated Jang, who went on to say “ I will continue to contribute to the development of medium and small–sized business and local communities through strengthening the cooperation between education and industry.”
KNU was founded in 1954 and accredited by the government in 1992. It holds the distinction of being the largest Nazarene University in the denomination.
The educational purpose of KNU is to produce missionaries who will serve in the mission field, and lay people who will serve the community, the nation, and all of mankind.
This is accomplished through research and instruction in true academic principles, applied theories, and disciplines based on the Christian spirit, democratic ideals, and the creed of the Church of the Nazarene.