Seoul, South Korea: Nazarene Youth International Korea District held their in-person youth camp on 8-10 August 2022. 180 young people from 17 local churches around South Korea gathered for an exciting 3-day event held at Nazareth University Church Hall. The theme of this year’s camp is “We Are Nazarene.”

The district youth council, led by David Nam – Korea District Youth Coordinator, planned this camp meeting with the objectives that every participant will take with them a deep understanding of what it means to be a Nazarene, embracing the identity that a member of the Church of the Nazarene is a Christian, Holiness, and Missional people. Rev. Janary Suyat, Asia-Pacific Regional Youth Coordinator, spoke on the core strategies of NYI which are Be – Evangelism, Do – Discipleship, Go – Leadership Development.
Moreover, this camp did not only aim to be just like any other event but that this gathering will become a time when the young people in Korea District be united to pray and let the Holy Spirit revive and enfill the young people with a flame that will shine brightly wherever God has placed them.

“We are embracing more the vision of NYI as our group is being built and dynamically driven by the next generation. We are calling this generation to a dynamic life in Christ. Be Do Go!”