Indonesia NTC Alumni Commit to Support alma mater

Jun 13, 2013

IndonesiaNTCAlum2013Yogyakarta, Java, Indonesia   Thursday, June 13, 2013

 More than 70 alumni from as far away as East Timor and Australia arrived at Indonesia Nazarene Theological College on June 6 for a One Day Gathering event emphasizing unity among alumni. Newly appointed rector Alex Suranto presented the vision for the future of INTC, which is to be the best theological college in Indonesia, producing graduates who apply and live out the Word of God holistically.
“One of the strengths of INTC is its alumni, and we will see much good come to pass because of this One Day Gathering,” Suranto said. “It will make the school and its alumni feel closer together and increase the energy of the INTC family as God greatly uses the graduates of INTC in His harvest fields.”At the conclusion of the event, in addition to praying for a greater impact and more students to be enrolled at INTC, alumni responded by making personal commitments and commitments from their churches to support INTC in various ways, such as:IndonesiaNTCAlumWorship2013

  • Giving the produce from a piece of land in Sumatera to help support the school
  • Working to send students to the college for training
  • Providing training for skills that can be used to help support graduates that go into new areas
  • Providing tools for graduates so they can utilize their work skills and provide financial support for their ministries
  • Providing scholarships for new students

INTC was established in 1981 and is a campus of roughly four acres. God has worked through this college to prepare more than 300 students for ministry in the Indonesian context, with graduates having gone to many of the more than 17,000 islands and some 700 unreached people groups that make up the country.

Prayer is requested for the 51 students now enrolled. Most of these students come from underprivileged backgrounds and even the modest US$800 annual fees per student can in many cases represent a seemingly insurmountable hurdle.

For more information about current prayer needs or becoming involved with the Church of the Nazarene’s work in Indonesia, contact the Asia-Pacific Regional Office at

Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific Region

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Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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