Indonesia Nazarene Theological College celebrates its 38th Commencement Exercises

by | Jul 5, 2024

Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Indonesia Nazarene Theological College (INTC) celebrated its 38th commencement exercises on 19 June 2024 with the theme “Serving The Lord with Wisdom and Integrity” from Isaiah 6:8.

Twenty-six students graduated this year, including 6 students of Bachelor of Theology, 16 students of Bachelor of Christian Education, and four students of Master of Theology.

Rev. Stephanus Hartoyo is this year’s commencement speaker. Rev. Hartoyo emphasized during his commencement address and challenged the graduates that, “Getting a degree is not to get a position and a prosperous life in the future, but to be a servant of God. A servant is someone who serves with wisdom and integrity. The graduation ceremony was concluded with a handover procession of the graduates to the Church of the Nazarene as a sending church represented by Rev. Natanael Harinoto, the chairman of the National Board Church Of The Nazarene in Indonesia.

May the Lord bless the graduates so they can continue to follow their call to serve God and become faithful workers in the Church of the Nazarene. Praise the Lord.

Wendi Pasaribu

Wendi Pasaribu is the Communications Coordinator for Sealands Field.

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