Holiness Gathering ignites faith and commitment of churches in Mongolia District

by | Sep 10, 2022

Local churches in the Mongolia District came together on 15-19 August 2022 for their annual Holiness Gathering. This is the first in-person district event that happened after more than two years of the pandemic. Holiness Gathering is a 5-day event that includes a camp meeting and district assembly.  The district has held four Holiness Gatherings since the organization of the Church of the Nazarene in Mongolia in 2017. This year over 150 children, youth and adults attended this event.

Local members look forward to this activity every year.  This year, district leaders focused their event on strengthening and deepening their relationship with God and having unity in the body of Christ. The participants also use this special time to connect with other believers, encourage one another, worship together, and share testimonies.

During this time, meetings were held according to age group.  Adult meetings were taught by district leaders and a Mongolian Nazarene Pastor from Chicago. The meetings focused on Holy Fire (unity and holiness), particularly on embodying love through forgiveness and loving others.  The children and teens had individual programs.  The teens had a special workshop called “No Apologies” that focused on relationships and making wise decisions about sex. 

Worship services were also held during this gathering.  On the last evening service, the Holy Spirit was evident when all the attendees came forward to commit their lives to Christ and allow the Spirit to fill them and guide them in their spiritual journey. A young lady even expressed God’s call for her to be in ministry, and the leaders prayed for her that she would be obedient to God’s call.

The final service was celebrated with the baptism of 10 new believers, 1 baby dedication, acceptance of 24 new church members, 9 ministers granted new district licenses, and 20 district ministers’ license renewals. Afterward, all the participants joined together in the sharing of communion.

God’s love is forever, He never forsake us. I asked if there is really a God. When I attended the Holiness Gathering, I realized God is a true God. I felt his presence when I prayed. – Misheel, 16 years old.

Every day I am learning to love my neighbor by being kind to them through the words I speak, being sincere friends with the my church family, fully obeying the teachings in the Bibe, continue witnessing and sharing my faith to others, actively participate in public activities. I also teach this to my disciples and practice this with them everyday. – Sister Uurintuya

‘God told me to set aside ME-first, love others instead and follow after God’s righteousness.’  – Sister Bayarmaa

The Holiness Gathering is not just an event, but about being more like Jesus. The impact of this gathering is the transformation of hearts and lives.


APNAZ Communications

Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations

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