God’s Math – Youth Camp 2014!

Jan 22, 2014

Parua Bay, New Zealand: Bloodshot eyes + Sore feet + Tired body = Energized in spirit!

How does this formula work?   It is a mathematical equation made in heaven.

God’s math says that 5 loaves +2 fishes = food for over 5,000.  God’s order of priority says that the first will be last and the last will be first. Somehow in God’s economy, subtraction becomes multiplication, and weaknesses is changed to strength.

This is what many of us experienced this week at “Follow Me” youth camp 2014.  It was very evident that the Lord’s favour was upon our 115 youth and leaders this week at Parua Bay!  We enjoyed hours of fun in the sun, silly games, delicious food (and then some more!), powerful preaching and incredible live music! Jumping off wharfs, kayaking, and sliming up on a giant water slide make for a good camp in any culture.  And you can’t forget staying up all night and bashing your best friends with giant noodles!

But what makes for a GREAT youth camp?  It can only be the moving of God’s Holy Spirit in the hearts of young people. In only the way that He can, God communicated His love and grace to our campers, urging them to follow Him into eternal life, real life. . .. and many responded!

Even before my preaching began last night and without any invitation from the front, some kids were weeping, convicted of sin and keenly aware of their need for a Saviour.   It has been a long time since many of us as leaders had witnessed such a powerful moving of God’s Spirit like this among our young people on the New Zealand district. We gave them an opportunity to respond and dozens unashamedly came forward to soak up the love of the Saviour and accept Jesus as their Lord!   Even as I write this blog post, I smile with tears while I recall the precious conversations and prayers I was privileged to share with some of them.  All I can say is, “Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. “

Could you please join me in praying for true disciples to be made out of these young ones who have taken the first step in following Jesus?  For both youth leaders and teens it will require a genuine commitment to the process of this sacred journey towards holiness.  It will require a comittment to following Jesus.

Tired bodies?  Little sleep? Sore Feet?  YEP!  And it’s all worth it!

Contribution: Alison Weinstock

To see more photos and read the story on Alison Weinstock’s blog


Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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