General Superintendent and Global Mission Director on Asia-Pacific Region

by | Oct 28, 2013

Manila, Philippines:  This has been a very key week as the Korean Missionary Conference wrapped up and the Asia-Pacific Regional Advisory Council (RAC) met at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary.

The RAC meets yearly and works in conjunction with the Regional Director and Field Strategy Coordinators in developing and approving strategy for the region.   The region was blessed to have General Superintendent Dr. J.K. Warrick and Global Mission Director Dr. Verne Ward visiting and participating with this year’s RAC.

Friday morning when the RAC meetings started, Dr. Warrick shared a devotional and the Holy Spirit moved.  One of the RAC members challenged the RAC to put aside all matters of business and just dedicate a significant amount of the morning in focused prayer, crying out to God for His divine leadership and guidance.   It was truly a blessed time, focusing on the fact that doing Christ’s will with Christ’s power is truly the formula for abundant living and purposeful ministry.

“Witness is not something we are to do…but something we are to be,” exclaimed Dr. Warrick as he challenged the RAC to really live out their faith.

Part of the RAC meeting involved the review of a survey that was sent out to regional leaders, including Field Strategy Coordinators (FSCs), Missionaries, and District Superintendents.  Important insight was obtained and the results of the survey are being used to help the FSCs and Regional Director in their strategy development.

Upon completion of the RAC meetings, the Field Strategy Coordinators continued meeting with the Asia-Pacific Regional Director Mark Louw, Dr. Warrick and Dr. Ward.   The results of the RAC meeting were discussed and strategy was planned for the days ahead.  There is enthusiasm and excitement about the future of the Church of the Nazarene here on the region.


Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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