Equipping the Next Generation…Java-Bali District Holds Leader’s Camp!

by | Jun 9, 2016

Indonesia: On May 5 -7, 2016, the Nazarene Youth International (NYI) Java-Bali District held an event called “LEADERS CAMP (LC)”  for  young leaders from all around Java-Bali.  This is an annual program of NYI Java-Bali District.  It serves as an implementation of our mission strategy “GO” and is also a wonderful forum for empowering and equipping young leaders in Java-Bali.


This was the 5th LC held by the Java Bali District and was certainly challenging but also an attractive event, because unlike the previous camps, we were on a hillside with temperatures between 10-15 Celsius (50-59 °F) at night (the normal temperature is about 25-30 degrees Celsius or 77-86 °F).  So while for us, the temperature was very cold, it became warm because of the unity of all leaders .

This year’s LC was not only focused on leadership development, but was also a time to encourage the young leaders to be more loyal to the ministry of the church as their home and to help other youth in their local churches. Our hope is that the leaders grew in the Lord and will start looking for ways to engage their local churches and communities.


More than 100 delegates from 30 local churches spread across nine different zones in the Java-Bali District (Jakarta, Cilacap, Boyolali, Yogyakarta, Klaten, Solo Raya, JTU, East Java, and Bali) attended the event. The participants were between 13 – 30 years old. All who attended currently serve as NYI Presidents or are young potential leaders who are expected to become the next generation of local youth leaders.


Assertive Leader

The first day we began with a seminar titled,  “assertive leader,”  encouraging  young leaders to speak up, express opinions and to communicate actively. In this session, participants were divided into several groups and given some relevant cases that might be found in the church. Each group was asked to provide solutions to the problems. These were very exciting activities and all participants engaged in giving their opinions and arguments until finally the individual groups agreed on one solution to be presented. 


This session was followed by an evangelistic service in the evening to restore the commitment of young leaders in their ministries.


Relationship Building

The second day of the LC was also a great day. The participants engaged in team building activities designed not only to enhance cooperation and leadership in the group, but also to build lasting relationships. It was powerful to see young leaders from many different backgrounds across the district, coming together with mutual cooperation and support for one another. 


Leaders Leading Leaders

After the team building activities, the council organized 6 different “break-out” sessions led by NYI Java-Bali youth who are competent in their fields. The speakers in the seminars shared experiences gained from serving in various NYI leadership roles and ministries.  This activity not only provided material for leadership development,  but also provided an opportunity for leaders to lead upcoming leaders.


“Got Talent”

The Second day closed with a campfire service. There was a special unity when all participants sat around the campfire.  At that time, all participants were given an opportunity to perform their talents in a talent show.  Some sang, some acted, and still others did standup comedy.  Just like the “Got Talent” tv enterprise, there were 4 judges to give comments and scores.  That was a joyful and happy event.

Java Bali District Camp Fire

The winner of this contest was a group performing an arrangement of a beautiful song that tells about how the love of  God is started in a simple way and simple place, that is, in our own room; the place where we pray, read the Bible, and preserve holiness when we are alone.

Go – Move and Encourage!

On the closing of the LC, there was great happiness and excitement and wonderful unity, but also some sadness because participants had to say good bye to one another. Before they left, Java-Bali District Superintendent, Rev. Obaja Sigit Karyono, led the closing worship and benediction. He brought a strong and clear message  “GO! Move and encourage people in your field, which is your local church.”

13147440_1206283846062272_1676444360958788115_oAll participants were blessed and encouraged by this event.

“It was Fun, cool, cold … every sermon was so interesting and gave me more  understanding, ” explained Christopher, one of the participants.  “Moreover, it helped me have a better understanding about the Nazarene Church especially the vision, mission and core values.”


Thank you to Gary Hartke (NYI Global President) and Janary Suyat de Godoy (Asia-Pacific Regional NYI Coordinator) who were able to encourage through the videos they pre-recorded. It was a privilege to be able to connect with our global and regional NYI leaders. We are blessed to have wonderful leaders that are always supporting us. Thank you to Rev. Bakhoh Jatmiko (NYI Field Coordinator), Rev. Obaja Sigit (District Superintendent) and Rev. Larry West (Sealand Field Coordinator), and special thanks also to all Reverends in Java-Bali.

-Submitted by Wendy Prima Pasaribu (Java-Bali District NYI President)


Janary Suyat de Godoy

Janary Suyat de Godoy is the Regional Youth Coordinator for the Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific. Janary and Anderson de Godoy are missionaries in Japan.

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