Endless Possibilities to Reach the Lost – An NMI Celebration!

Dec 4, 2015

Manila, Philippines:  On Saturday, November 28th,  the Metro-Manila district gathered for their Thanksgiving festivities together with the 100th Anniversary Celebration of NMI. The theme for the event was “Endless Possibilities.”


The NMI Celebration started with a motorcade parade!

The day started early with a motorcade involving several vehicles filled with people, driving through the surrounding area sporting banners and balloons, representing the different churches of the district. The celebration of the 100th Anniversary was featured on bright yellow shirts printed for the occasion.

Dr. Grant Zweigle, Dean of Students at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary (APNTS) was the guest speaker.  His message from Acts 10 was brought with a challenge to see the endless possibilities as the Spirit pushes us to overcome our prejudices and preferences, opening our hearts and tables to others.

MMD NMIThe chapel on the campus of APNTS was overflowing with many yellow-shirted participants from across the district.  With not enough room inside for all who were in attendance, the participants spilled out onto the lawns surrounding the open-air chapel, which allowed them to sit and not only listen, but participate in the celebration as well.

The lawns were full with people participating in the celebration.

The lawns were full with people participating in the celebration.

After the message, all were invited to the table for lunch and fellowship, which was followed, by a talent festival and games; a tremendous celebration that lasted well into the afternoon.

Praise God for the beautiful weather, for His presence, and for the realization that there truly are endless possibilities to share the good news of a Living Savior with those around us! Will you look for opportunities where you live?

— Submitted:  Connie Aebischer – Regional NMI Coordinator


Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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