Church in the New Normal: An NCM Philippines Web Seminar

by | Aug 28, 2020

The NCM Philippines team has launched a 5-part webinar series that will be held every Saturday, beginning August 22, 2020. The first session was titled “Understanding the Theology of Compassion: A Biblical and Practical Reflection” and was attended by 70 participants. Dr. Dick Eugenio, Academic Dean of APNTS, shared with the participant’s deep biblical insights and reflection about the ministry of compassion and social justice and the why of compassionate work in our churches. Rev. Stephen Gualberto, the Field Strategy Coordinator of the Philippine-Micronesia Field, shared about practical insights and reflection about practical church engagement in the work of justice and compassion. An open forum followed that initiated a lively discussion among the participants.

COVID-19 has drastically changed the course of our lives and the whole world has literally stopped as we witness this pandemic wreak havoc across every walk of life. This is also true in the church as we are facing different crises. Churches are dealing with mental health issues, finances, and our means of doing discipleship, as part of our approach in doing compassionate ministries. While the message of the Gospel does not change, our approaches and strategies should adequately adapt to the changing times. We are called to be the moving hands and feet of Christ to the afflicted and marginalized of our society. Jesus taught and modeled for us his preferential option for the poor and the suffering. This is why the church needs to be reminded and grounded that we are called to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly before God.

Since the birth of the Church of the Nazarene, compassion to the lost, the poor, the oppressed and marginalized is already in the DNA of the denomination. Dr. Phineas Bresee, the founder of the Church of the Nazarene, said: “Let the Church of the Nazarene be true to its commission; not great and elegant buildings; but to feed the hungry and clothe the naked and wipe away the tears of sorrowing, and gather jewels for His diadem.”

This NCM Webinar seeks to initiate discourse and conversation with the local churches and leaders. We will investigate how, as a church, we can become relevant in today’s new normal as we pursue justice and compassion. We will discuss how we can adapt to strategizing different mechanisms to make our ministries effective and even more, resilient.

After this webinar series, there will be follow up conversations per district through the appointed District NCM advocates/coordinator to sustain the momentum that is sparked during this series. Each 3-hour webinar will feature different topics and speakers who will facilitate conversations for each session in this 5-part series.

The NCM Pilipinas Team is looking forward to the next 4 sessions to be as productive and engaging as the first session.  Please join us by clicking here to register.

Contributed by NCM Philippines

Nate Owens

Nate Owens served as the Communications Coordinator of the Church of the Nazarene Asia-Pacific in a tandem role with his wife Hope Owens. The whole family is an avid fan of board games.

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