Be the Face of Love in Kudjip…a Chance To Submit A Personal Greeting!

Dec 11, 2015

Nazarene Health Ministries:  Many of you know that the Nazarene Hospital in Kudjip, Papua New Guinea,  only runs at the level that it does because of the generosity of God’s people.

dr andy bennettYou likely already know the importance of our “Greatest Need Fund.” This is the fund we use to make up deficits in medicine, equipment, supplies, and to do better spiritual ministry. The government has announced a budget cut for next year that would decrease our funding by 40%.

kudjip dr meierWe know that God is faithful and one of the most important ways that He works is through His people. We post pictures of our work in PNG specifically to connect with those of you who pray for and partner with the Nazarene Health Ministries.

kudjip dr billWe want you to see that your gifts and your time help real people – you see the staff and missionaries that you have empowered serving as the love of Christ to each patient. You see the faces of real people with pain and need. You see us bind up the broken and show people new life in Christ.

We also want to do the same in the other direction. In this time where many see fear as they look to our future and struggle even now with the shortages we are already experiencing, we want people to look to God… but it helps to put flesh to that idea.  We want our missionaries, staff, and our patients to also see that it is real people – individuals and churches, who give to make this ministry possible!

Read: Supply shortage at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital

It is God who is at work on both sides. He is able to provide and real people continue to be involved, loving, giving, praying, and sending the church as the body of Christ to meet needs in a hurting world.

If you give a gift in December, please fill out the below form and we will put your picture (and even a couple sentences) up on a wall at the hospital to let people know God has not forgotten them.

Greatest Needs Fund for Nazarene Health  Ministries

Read: How is the greatest needs fund used?


Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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