Asia-Pacific Region Welcomes New Team Members!

Jul 24, 2015

Asia-Pacific Region:  The Asia-Pacific Region is welcoming the arrival of Collin and Shireen Elliott as our newest team members.

Regional Director, Dr. Mark Louw, had the following to say about the Elliott’s arrival:

Their coming has been an answer to prayer and a source of great anticipation on my part. Collin and Shireen epitomize servant leadership and have come to the Region from Africa with servant hearts.

The Elliotts have had several years of successful ministry and are coming to the Region to learn and serve, listen and share, encourage and be encouraged, challenge thinking and be challenged by reality. In brief, they’re here to be contributing members of the team.

South African church holds send-off service for global missionaries.

Collin will be serving the Region as the New Initiatives Coordinator (Church Planting, Evangelism and Church Growth), and Shireen has come as Women’s Clergy Coordinator.  Working from the Regional office, taking the Church to where it is not yet in creative ways, lies at the heart of Collin’s assignment. The empowerment and development of women in and for ministry lies at the heart of Shireen’s Regional assignment.


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Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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