APNTS Launches Online Video Content!

Sep 5, 2014

Dr. Mitch Modine - excited about new development at APNTS!

Dr. Mitch Modine – excited about new development at APNTS!

Manila, Philippines: There is excitement on the campus of Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary (APNTS) as the vision of taking content “to the region” is being realized.

IMG_6196Internet access and the utilization of mobile devices are growing at a record breaking pace across the Asia-Pacific region. Some studies are indicating that the growth of mobile data use on the region is three times that of the rest of the world. This is opening opportunities like never before to bring contextualized content to those who might not otherwise be able to travel to a centralized location.

Drs. Darin Land and Mitch Modine in studio

Drs. Darin Land and Mitch Modine in studio

APNTS Professors Dr. Darin Land and Dr. Mitch Modine, are addressing this new opportunity by establishing a pilot project of producing video resources and making those resources available online.  Presently these video resources are serving as a complement to already established “on campus” courses, but this is just the beginning.


Dr. Darin Land

“We are currently strategizing as to how we can develop a packaged curriculum that would include DVDs, presentation materials, assignments and quizzes, all towards establishing a contextualized Course of Study program that would be relevant across the region,” said Land.

The first video resources that have been produced are for the “Introduction to Biblical Studies” course. This is being team taught by Drs. Land and Modine.

Dr. Mitch Modine

Dr. Mitch Modine

“Student responses have been good so far,” explains Modine. “For many of our students, English is not their primary language. This allows them to watch, pause, rewind, and truly understand the material.”

IMG_6206The World Mission Communications Asia-Pacific Team is partnering with APNTS in the production of the videos. Creating Communications that Connect is the passion of the WMC-AP Team. This is just another way that the Gospel message and training is being taken beyond borders and boundaries through technology.

Stay tuned for announcements regarding further development in the online training from APNTS.

How about you? Would you be interested in seeing the material taught in a seminary course on Biblical studies? The videos are currently being made available online to the public. We invite you to take a look at the videos and then give us your feedback!

Click on this link to watch the videos


Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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