Former Missionary to Papua New Guinea Diagnosed with Inoperable Brain Tumor

by | May 21, 2015

Prayer Mobilization Line:   Retired missionary Wayne Larson has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Unless the Lord intervenes, Wayne’s remaining time on earth is less than six months. Pray for Wayne and the family during this challenging journey.

Wayne and Joann married in 1954 and were blessed with three children. In 1965, while serving as the church secretary at Medford First Church of the Nazarene, (Oregon) the Larsons traveled to Swaziland, Africa. During the trip, they felt the call of God on their lives to become full-time missionaries with the Church of the Nazarene.

Wayne and Joann served in Swaziland from 1969 to 1977. Joann served as the hospital and field treasurer while Wayne was a hospital administrator. In 1977, the Larsons operated a home for missionary children who attended school in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. In 1979, Wayne and Joann were once again tasked with a Nazarene hospital assignment and served at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, near Mount Hagen, Papua New Guinea. Wayne worked as hospital administrator and Joann served as the hospital accountant until their retirement in 1990.


Todd & Connie Lou Aebischer

Todd and Connie Lou Aebischer served as Regional Communications Coordinator - Regional NMI Coordinator respectively for over 4 years. They are now serving in Papua New Guinea under Mission Aviation Fellowship as Country Director / Program Director.

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