Asia-Pacific Region: During the General Board meetings in February, Reverend Kafoa Muaror, of Fiji, was elected to serve as the new Vice-Chairman of the General Board of the Church of the Nazarene! Reverend Muaror will serve in this capacity through the end of the current quadrennium (2017).
“On behalf of the Asia-Pacific Region it is my privilege to congratulate Rev. Kafoa Muaror on his election as the Vice-President of the General Board of the Church of the Nazarene,” shared Asia-Pacific Regional Director, Dr. Mark Louw. “I know that Kafoa will represent both the General Church and Region well. The Lord has prepared him for ‘such a time as this.’ Our prayers are with Kafoa as he takes on this larger Global Church responsibility, confident that if he regularly consults the Faithful One, the task will not be overwhelming.”
Reverend Kafoa Muaror, currently serves as the senior pastor of the New Beginnings Church and District Superintendent of the Fiji District. Muaror holds earned Bachelor and Masters of Law Degrees as well as being ordained in 2010 as an elder in the Church of the Nazarene. He is married with six children.
The General Board is made up of district superintendents, pastors and lay leaders representing the global church and elected by the regional caucuses at General Assembly. Convening in late February each year, the board has governing responsibility for the international Church of the Nazarene between general assemblies. The General Board reviews the policies, budgets, and operations of the church’s general ministries.